Due to ongoing water quality issues in the Roger Williams Park pond system, in 2013, Horsley Witten Group developed a Water Quality Management Plan to identify areas of improvement and suggest mitigation strategies. However, the Roger Williams Park Zoo wetland area was not included in this original plan.
In 2023, the Stormwater Innovation Center received funding from a Restore America's Estuaries Watershed Implementation grant to collaborate with the Zoo on another Stormwater Master Plan that would focus specifically on the Zoo property. The Master Plan would identify potential sources of pollution, existing stormwater infrastructure, and potential future green infrastructure installations or retrofits. Horsley Witten will be developing the Master Plan.
The funding will also go towards collaboratively enhancing the Zoo’s stormwater education and outreach efforts. As one of Rhode Island’s most popular attractions, the Zoo’s existing educational resources and community reach are robust. The Stormwater Innovation Center will work with the Zoo’s education team to relay information about water quality to their attendees - both generally and specifically about the Stormwater Master Plan project.
To view the original Horsley Witten Water Quality Management Plan for Roger Williams Park, visit our Reports page at