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Green stormwater infrastructure intercepts stormwater and infiltrates a portion of it into the ground. Some of the stormwater evaporates into the air, and in some cases, a portion of it is released slowly back into the sewer system or nearby water body. In addition to improved water quality, green stormwater infrastructure provides benefits such as beautified communities, improved public health, and the creation of wildlife habitat.


There are over 30 structural and non-structural green stormwater infrastructure practices located within Roger Williams Park. These include infiltration basins, sand filters, bio-retention rain gardens, bioswales, pavement removal projects, and buffer plantings. The stormwater structure MAP provides details of each structure’s location, cost, pollutant loading, performance, and design.


For more information on the technical details of these structures, click here!

An infiltration basin is a shallow impoundment that is designed to receive and infiltrate stormwater.  Infiltration basins use the natural filtering ability of the soil to remove pollutants in stormwater runoff.  Infiltration practices store runoff until it gradually infiltrates into the soil and eventually into the groundwater. 

Infiltration Basin

Sand Filter

A sand filter is a stormwater management system designed to maximize the removal of pollutants from stormwater. It consists of a pre-treatment zone and a treatment zone, which includes the sand bed, and in underdrained systems, and the underlying components. Pollutants are treated through settling, filtration, and adsorption by the sand bed.

BMP 19C (sandfilter) in Roger Williams Park, February 2020
Sand Filte Diagram

Bioretention: Rain Garden

Bioretention – Rain Gardens are a method of treating stormwater by pooling water on the surface and allowing filtering and settling of suspended solids and sediment at the mulch layer, prior to entering the plant/soil/microbe complex media for infiltration and pollutant removal. Bioretention techniques are used to accomplish water quality improvement and water quantity reduction. Rain Gardens are planted with native species which enhances habitat that is beneficial for insects and wildlife

Buffer Plantings

Buffer plantings play a significant role in decreasing pollutants (nitrogen, phosphorous, sediment) and improving overall water quality.  Shoreline plantings in Roger Williams Park also deter geese in the park.  Geese climbing in and out of the water can cause shorelines to erode and increase sedimentation in the ponds. Goose feces also contribute to an increase in nitrogen, phosphorous, and bacteria concentrations in water bodies with large populations of geese.  


Bioswales are green stormwater runoff systems that slow velocities, decreasing sedimentation and pollutant concentrations before entering a natural waterbody or sewer system. Bioswales improve water quality by enhancing infiltration of the first flush of stormwater runoff and filtering the large storm flows they convey.

Impervious Area Management

Increased stormwater runoff volume, velocities, erosion, and flooding can be directly correlated to an increase in impervious areas in a watershed.  Degradation of water quality is also linked to an increase in impervious areas in a watershed. Removing impervious areas allows for greater infiltration and pollutant removal of stormwater runoff.