BMP Visual Assessments
Regular inspection of stormwater best management practices (BMPs) is critical to ensure they are functioning as designed. If stormwater isn't being diverted off roadways and into the structures, pollutants can't be removed from the contaminated water.
BMPs need to remain free of trash, leaves, sediment and debris that would obstruct stormwater from flowing into and out of the structure and slow down proper drainage rates. If stormwater isn't draining into the ground within 48 hours after a rain event, there is likely a problem with the performance of soils in the structure.
Healthy and proper vegetation plays a critical role in BMPs’ success, soaking up and filtering nutrients from stormwater runoff.
Photo and video documentation of BMPs over time is also essential to tracking their long-term effectiveness.
Videos taken during and after rain events provide invaluable feedback to BMP performance: How much water is the BMP taking in? How quickly is the system draining post-storm?
BMP Volume
In previous projects, the SIC has monitored water levels at the inflows, infiltration basins, and outflows of BMPs throughout Roger Williams Park. This was done to estimate the volume of stormwater being treated in each BMP and to gain a better understanding of the potential amounts of pollutants being removed. This monitoring also provides information that the BMP is functioning properly during rain events. Data is available in the DATA TAB.