Stormwater Innovation Center Tours
The Stormwater Innovation Center offers tours to a variety of groups, including K-12 students, college students, stormwater professionals, municipal employees, and the general public.
Roger Williams Park is home to over 30 structural BMPs. Tours highlight a variety of green infrastructure projects, ranging from bioswales to infiltration basins.
Public Outreach Timeline
2020: Phase I
Permanent display boards were installed at the Seal House. These beautifully designed boards visually demonstrate how stormwater runoff is generated in urban environments, as well as what contaminants it can carry into local waterways. A large map of BMP locations within Roger Williams Park is also featured in this location. View digital versions of the display boards here!
2022: Phase II
A self-guided walking tour is also available at the Roger Williams Park Seal House. Look for the bright blue newspaper box and grab a brochure! This tour will take you on a ~1 mile accessible loop around Roosevelt Lake, featuring a variety of green infrastructure types. You can view our self-guided tour brochure digitally here.